The right to your choice for Love
A friend raised the spectre of opinions from the Gay community who don’t support the marriage rights debate. She said, “I have had three different people say to me this week on the subject of same-sex marriage that ‘lots of gay people are against it you know’.”
Denial by the unengaged
She reflected that just because you are part of a community seeking justice that it doesn’t give one “special privilege” to deny the rest of your community a right, any more than it does for them outside of it. I am sure there were “blacks” in the “South” who thought emancipation was inappropriate for their community and that slavery was “normal”. Also, I suspect this is a failure by “different people” to recognise the individuality of people and lump all “Gays” into a homogenous lump. Where the opinion of one “Gay” person represents the view of all and then pretend the years of protest and numbers of people who hold a different opinion are irrelevant because … “I have a gay mate who says he doesn’t care.” How completely lacking in insight, and affirming of their gay bias is that?
Parenthood & Children
Thinking of the children?
Choose the light!
Each couple should have the right to make that choice, and just because I think it is a “good” or a “bad” thing does not – in of itself – make it so! To include or preclude for all people a choice is a dictatorship. To presume that one person’s opinion is the “be all and end all” of the conversation is to assume that she/he has dictatorial rights of preclusion of all other opinions. This authoritarianism is the realm of emperors and kings, and last time I looked; I thought we were a semblance of democracy in Australia. (OK, some may suggest we are moving to become a fascist state but that is another conversation, and we are not there yet!) Just because one person or a group of them, does not wish to get married does not preclude the desires of many others who do want to participate. It is the argument of the “fascist” who wishes to dictate his choices upon all others. And let’s face it, in the conversation about marriage equality, there are plenty of “fascist” style thinkers. They are wishing to pronounce their opinion as for the only one worth considering and insisting it’s followed. Even though that choice has no impact on their own lives, either way. This conversation should be about facilitating “choice for individuals” not “individuals dictating choice“!