Robert Dear is yet another White Christian Extremist that joins the pantheon of former White Christian terrorists in the bombing and shooting civilians in America. In spite of all the anxiety permeating American (and most western societies), it is still true to say the largest terrorist threat that successfully carries out regular acts of terror in the United States and other similar western nations are White men.
The outcome of reports of shots fired on a Friday morning (27th Nov) in Colorado Springs was followed by a five-hour siege as the white gunman fired shots from a medical clinic. The deaths of two civilians and a police officer along with nine other people were injured have added to the toll these Christian extremists extract on law abiding communities. At least eight staff of clinics providing support services to Mothers-to-be (or not to be) have been killed since 1977 by similar attacks by white Christian extremists. Even the Christian temples have not historically proved to be a safe haven (as supposedly advertised) from these extremists, as Dr George Tiller showed when shot to death at a church in Wichita, Kansas by a Christian extremist in May of 2009. Equally unsafe was the church where two people were killed by a similar extremist, during a children’s play in the Church in Knoxville, Tennessee in July of 2008. Since these times, these medical facilities have reported over 7,000 forms of violence by way of incidents of trespassing, vandalism, arson, and death threats.

The clinic in Colorado Springs that suffered this reprisal was undoubtedly surprised they were targeted because usually shooting by Christian extremists have not targeted medical facilities in a while. Typically these type of terrorist targets school children (from multiple American school shooting to Kenyan universities where 147 died), movie theatres (Rusty Houser & the Louisiana theatre) government civic buildings (Timothy McVeigh), and youth community facilities (2011 Norway attacks). It has been some years since the 1994 bombing by the fanatical Army of God member in Massachusetts and the 1996 Centennial Olympic Park bombing by these Christian fanatics, so it was a little “right” of the centre for this violence to be reoccurring again at medical establishments.
Radicalised by predominately white Christian Tea Party movement adherents, these terrorists have developed revolutionary view from a background of religious hatred. These hate mongers have long been calling for action against Planned Parenting doctors, nurses and clients. Evidence of this support for the Christian terrorist was garnered by the tweets of sympathisers. They have expressed views such as :

“No sympathy for any pregnant female that was injured … She deserved it or
described this Christian extremist as a “brave hero” more than once. Investigations into these tweets reported that “none of these Twitter accounts belong to Syrian refugees“. Apparently no Syrian passports were found near the site or on the person of Robert Lewis Dear. He appeared quite evidently to be a white American national who has “apparently” indiscriminately killed three people in his “valiant” terrorist crusade into what he believed was unholy ground and unholy persons. (Even though the police officer he killed was not part of the medical facility). His passport and records will no doubt be scrutinised to determine if he holds any foreign nationality to which cultural causality can be attributed. DNA tests will undoubtedly be conducted in the hope of discovering any ancestry to persons of colour or foreign ethnicity. To date, hopes for this are considered bleak.
Curiously since the shootings there have been no reported harassment of Christians nor calls for their religious temples to be closed down or burnt to the ground. The authorities are appreciative of the restraint the public has been showing towards these fundamentalist temples and their extremist adherents that have spoken out against these medical support facilities. Previous responses to religious terrorism has been know to be misplaced, such as the Wisconsin Sikh Temple massacre, of the 5th of Aug. 2012, so the current show of restraint has the local authority’s appreciation.

President Obama expressed his continued frustration at his failure to get “common sense gun safety laws” to pass Congress. Tea Party adherents fearing Middle Eastern extremists and their own government on both sides, continue to lobby for continuance of weak gun laws so only Christian extremists will retain rights to legally procure firearms. Keeping Americans safe from over reactive government police and army and Saudi Arabian plane passengers with plastic knives – because you can’t carry any guns on Aircraft – continues to be a major concern to Republicans.
FBI and police continue to be alert to radicalisation in these religious temples and will be keeping a close eye on hate speech emanating from the pulpits of the more fundamentalist establishments. If you hear these Christian fanatics speaking out against legal medical practices and encouraging hate speech and active violence against doctors and nurses in our community, the relevant authorities would undoubtedly appreciate the opportunity to be alerted and prevent future tragedies of this nature. Forewarned is forearmed, as was the case this year (2015) in which Christian Terrorist Robert Doggart was indicted for amassing weapons to attack an innocent and peaceful Muslim community. Stay alert people!