Angus Houston ( former RAAF) became head of the ADF under Howard in 2005. He distinguished himself by recommending to the Gillard government that Nauru and Manus Island be reopened. He continued distinguishing himself by never challenging Abbott and Morrison on Nauru and Manus and then further distinguished himself through a futile and extraordinarily expensive search for the missing Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 plane long after there was any hope of recovery of anything worth the expense. It did allow Abbott to take credit for falsely giving hope to Chinese audiences that its location was to be discoverable. Then there are questions as to how he was involved in the secret pact between members of the Joint Investigation Team examining the downed Flight MH17. Another matter full of evidential discrepancies and hidden truths as to whom was responsible for its destruction. He appears to excel at being of service to the government in dubious circumstances. I have watched his near silent acquiesce to Morrison’s shameless exploitation of refugees when broadcast on the ABC. He only speaks to parrot his master’s comments about “on water matters”. Thin on substance and a strength of character obvious to any audience watching him. One wonders if “Sir Angus of On-water Matters” will answer any questions at all during any press conference about his Knighthood being awarded by Abbott. I assume his knighthood was being awarded for his continued sycophancy to the government’s will, no matter the moral ambiguity of his role in it. He’ll just shuffle along with the rest of the cattle in the Conservative pens.
But let’s be fair, he isn’t doing anything we in Australia aren’t doing. It isn’t that unusual at all. Most of us are just as happy to continue our sycophancy to the government’s will and direction, no matter our personal moral ambiguity and complacency. We are all just glad to chew the chud and follow the herd. Why stick your neck out in this day and age? Angus is no different to the majority of us; he just received an award for it. Half his luck!